
  1. Overview
  2. Example
  3. Highlights
  4. Tooltips
  5. Loading
  6. Data Format
  7. Configuration Options
  8. Methods
  9. Events
  10. Data Policy


A visual representation of a data tree, where each node can have zero or more children, and one parent (except for the root, which has no parents). Each node is displayed as a rectangle, sized and colored according to values that you assign. Sizes and colors are valued relative to all other nodes in the graph. You can specify how many levels to display simultaneously, and optionally to display deeper levels in a hinted fashion. If a node is a leaf node, you can specify a size and color; if it is not a leaf, it will be displayed as a bounding box for leaf nodes. The default behavior is to move down the tree when a user left-clicks a node, and to move back up the tree when a user right-clicks the graph.

The total size of the graph is determined by the size of the containing element that you insert in your page. If you have leaf nodes with names too long to show, the name will be truncated with an ellipsis (...).


<html>   <head>     <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>     <script type="text/javascript">       google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['treemap']});       google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);       function drawChart() {         var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([           ['Location', 'Parent', 'Market trade volume (size)', 'Market increase/decrease (color)'],           ['Global',    null,                 0,                               0],           ['America',   'Global',             0,                               0],           ['Europe',    'Global',             0,                               0],           ['Asia',      'Global',             0,                               0],           ['Australia', 'Global',             0,                               0],           ['Africa',    'Global',             0,                               0],           ['Brazil',    'America',            11,                              10],           ['USA',       'America',            52,                              31],           ['Mexico',    'America',            24,                              12],           ['Canada',    'America',            16,                              -23],           ['France',    'Europe',             42,                              -11],           ['Germany',   'Europe',             31,                              -2],           ['Sweden',    'Europe',             22,                              -13],           ['Italy',     'Europe',             17,                              4],           ['UK',        'Europe',             21,                              -5],           ['China',     'Asia',               36,                              4],           ['Japan',     'Asia',               20,                              -12],           ['India',     'Asia',               40,                              63],           ['Laos',      'Asia',               4,                               34],           ['Mongolia',  'Asia',               1,                               -5],           ['Israel',    'Asia',               12,                              24],           ['Iran',      'Asia',               18,                              13],           ['Pakistan',  'Asia',               11,                              -52],           ['Egypt',     'Africa',             21,                              0],           ['S. Africa', 'Africa',             30,                              43],           ['Sudan',     'Africa',             12,                              2],           ['Congo',     'Africa',             10,                              12],           ['Zaire',     'Africa',             8,                               10]         ]);          tree = new google.visualization.TreeMap(document.getElementById('chart_div'));          tree.draw(data, {           minColor: '#f00',           midColor: '#ddd',           maxColor: '#0d0',           headerHeight: 15,           fontColor: 'black',           showScale: true         });        }     </script>   </head>   <body>     <div id="chart_div" style="width: 900px; height: 500px;"></div>   </body> </html>                  


You can specify whether elements should highlight, and set specific colors for certain elements to use when this occurs. To turn on highlighting, set highlightOnMouseOver:true (for v49 or before) or enableHighlight: true (for v50+). From there, you can set your colors to use for highlighting elements using the various HighlightColor options.

                    var options = { // For v49 or before         highlightOnMouseOver: true,         maxDepth: 1,         maxPostDepth: 2,         minHighlightColor: '#8c6bb1',         midHighlightColor: '#9ebcda',         maxHighlightColor: '#edf8fb',         minColor: '#009688',         midColor: '#f7f7f7',         maxColor: '#ee8100',         headerHeight: 15,         showScale: true,         height: 500,         useWeightedAverageForAggregation: true       };       var optionsV50 = { // For v50+         enableHighlight: true,         maxDepth: 1,         maxPostDepth: 2,         minHighlightColor: '#8c6bb1',         midHighlightColor: '#9ebcda',         maxHighlightColor: '#edf8fb',         minColor: '#009688',         midColor: '#f7f7f7',         maxColor: '#ee8100',         headerHeight: 15,         showScale: true,         height: 500,         useWeightedAverageForAggregation: true,         // Use click to highlight and double-click to drill down.         eventsConfig: {           highlight: ['click'],           unhighlight: ['mouseout'],           rollup: ['contextmenu'],           drilldown: ['dblclick'],         }       };                  

By default, treemap tooltips are basic, showing the label of the treemap cell. This is useful when the cells are too small to contain the labels, but you can customize them further as described in this section.

Treemap tooltips are customized differently than other charts: you define a function and then set the generateTooltip option to that function. Here's a simple example:

In the above chart, we define a function called showStaticTooltip that simply returns a string with the HTML to be shown whenever the user hovers over a treemap cell. Try it! The code to generate that is as follows:

                    var options = {     minColor: '#e7711c',     midColor: '#fff',     maxColor: '#4374e0',     showScale: true,                    generateTooltip: showStaticTooltip                    };    tree.draw(data, options);                    function showStaticTooltip(row, size, value) {     return '<div style="background:#fd9; padding:10px; border-style:solid">' +            'Read more about the <a href="">kingdoms of life</a>.</div>';   }                  

The generateTooltip function can be any JavaScript you like. Usually, you'll want tooltips that vary based on the data values. The following example shows how to access every field in the datatable.

If you hover over the cells in the above treemap, you'll see a different tooltip for each cell. The treemap tooltip functions all take three values: row, size, and value.

  • row: the cell's row from the datatable
  • size: the sum of the value (column 3) of this cell and all its children
  • value: the color of the cell, expressed as a number from 0 to 1

In showFullTooltip, the string we return is an HTML box with five lines:

  • Line 1 shows the appropriate row from the datatable, making liberal use of data.getValue.
  • Line 2 tells you which row that is, which is just the row parameter.
  • Line 3 gives you information from column 3 of the datatable: the sum of the value of column 3 from this row, plus the values from descendants.
  • Line 4 gives you information from column 4 of the datatable. It's the value, but expressed as a number between 0 and 1 corresponding to the color of the cell.
                    var options = {     minColor: '#e7711c',     midColor: '#fff',     maxColor: '#4374e0',     showScale: true,                    generateTooltip: showFullTooltip                    };    tree.draw(data, options);    function showFullTooltip(row, size, value) {     return '<div style="background:#fd9; padding:10px; border-style:solid">' +            '<span style="font-family:Courier"><b>' +                    data.getValue(row, 0)                    +            '</b>, ' +                    data.getValue(row, 1)                    + ', ' +                    data.getValue(row, 2)                    +            ', ' +                    data.getValue(row, 3)                    + '</span><br>' +            'Datatable row: ' +                    row                    + '<br>' +                    data.getColumnLabel(2)                    +            ' (total value of this cell and its children): ' +                    size                    + '<br>' +                    data.getColumnLabel(3)                    + ': ' +                    value                    + ' </div>';   }  }                  


The google.charts.load package name is "treemap".

                    google.charts.load("current", {packages: ["treemap"]});                  

The visualization's class name is google.visualization.TreeMap.

                    var visualization = new google.visualization.TreeMap(container);                  

Data Format

Each row in the data table describes one node (a rectangle in the graph). Each node (except the root node) has one parent node. Each node is sized and colored according to its values relative to the other nodes currently shown.

The data table should have four columns in the following format:

  • Column 0 - [string] An ID for this node. It can be any valid JavaScript string, including spaces, and any length that a string can hold. This value is displayed as the node header.
  • Column 1 - [string] - The ID of the parent node. If this is a root node, leave this blank. Only one root is allowed per treemap.
  • Column 2 - [number] - The size of the node. Any positive value is allowed. This value determines the size of the node, computed relative to all other nodes currently shown. For non-leaf nodes, this value is ignored and calculated from the size of all its children.
  • Column 3 - [optional, number] - An optional value used to calculate a color for this node. Any value, positive or negative, is allowed. The color value is first recomputed on a scale from minColorValue to maxColorValue, and then the node is assigned a color from the gradient between minColor and maxColor.

Configuration Options

enableHighlight (for v50+)

Determines if elements should show highlighted effects. The default trigger is when moused over. The trigger can be configured with eventsConfig. If set to true, highlighting for different elements can be specified using the various highlightColor options.

Type: boolean

Default: false

eventsConfig (for v50+)

The event configuration to trigger tree map interactions. Format to configure interactions:

eventsConfig: {   interaction1: undefined, // or missing   interaction2: [], // disable   interaction3: [     'mouse_event',     'optional_key1',     'optional_key2',     'optional_key3',     'optional_key4'   ],   ..., }                          

If the config array is undefined or missing for an interaction, the default will be used.

If the config is an empty array, the interaction will be disabled.

For a valid config, mouse_event is required and must be a supported mouse event. Then you can have up to four optional key modifiers.

Supported interactions:
highlight, unhighlight, rollup, drilldown.
Supported mouse events:
'click', 'contextmenu', 'dblclick', 'mouseout', 'mouseover'. With 'contextmenu' corresponds to the right-click.
Supported mouse event modifier keys:
'altKey', 'ctrlKey', 'metaKey', 'shiftKey'.
Get the current configuration:
Call method getEventsConfig().

Example to use Control+Shift+Right_Click to go up the tree:

{ rollup: ['contextmenu', 'ctrlKey', 'shiftKey'] }

Type: object


{   highlight: ['mouseover'],   unhighlight: ['mouseout'],   rollup: ['contextmenu'], // right-click   drilldown: ['click'] }                            

The text color. Specify an HTML color value.

Type: string

Default: #ffffff


The font family to use for all text.

Type: string

Default: auto


The font size for all text, in points.

Type: number

Default: 12


Draws the chart inside an inline frame. (Note that on IE8, this option is ignored; all IE8 charts are drawn in i-frames.)

Type: boolean

Default: false


The color of the header section for each node. Specify an HTML color value.

Type: string

Default: #988f86


The height of the header section for each node, in pixels (can be zero).

Type number

Default: 0


The color of the header of a node being hovered over. Specify an HTML color value or null; if null this value will be headerColor lightened by 35%.

Type: string

Default: null

highlightOnMouseOver (deprecated for v50+)

Deprecated for v50+. For v50 and later, please use enableHighlight. Determines if elements should show highlighted effects when moused over. If set to true, highlighting for different elements can be specified using the various highlightColor options.

Type: boolean

Default: false


When maxPostDepth is greater than 1, causing nodes below the current depth to be shown, hintOpacity specifies how transparent it should be. It should be between 0 and 1; the higher the value, the fainter the node.

Type: number

Default: 0.0


The color for a rectangle with a column 3 value of maxColorValue. Specify an HTML color value.

Type: string

Default: #00dd00


The maximum number of node levels to show in the current view. Levels will be flattened into the current plane. If your tree has more levels than this, you will have to go up or down to see them. You can additionally see maxPostDepth levels below this as shaded rectangles within these nodes.

Type: number

Default: 1


The highlight color to use for the node with the largest value in column 3. Specify an HTML color value or null; If null, this value will be the value of maxColor lightened by 35%

Type: string

Default: null


How many levels of nodes beyond maxDepth to show in "hinted" fashion. Hinted nodes are shown as shaded rectangles within a node that is within the maxDepth limit.

Type: number

Default: 0


The maximum value allowed in column 3. All values greater than this will be trimmed to this value. If set to null, it will be set to the max value in the column.

Type: number

Default: null


The color for a rectangle with a column 3 value midway between maxColorValue and minColorValue. Specify an HTML color value.

Type: string

Default: #000000


The highlight color to use for the node with a column 3 value near the median of minColorValue and maxColorValue. Specify an HTML color value or null; if null, this value will be the value of midColor lightened by 35%.

Type: string

Default: null


The color for a rectangle with the column 3 value of minColorValue. Specify an HTML color value.

Type: string

Default: #dd0000


The highlight color to use for the node with a column 3 value nearest to minColorValue. Specify an HTML color value or null; if null, this value will be the value of minColor lightened by 35%

Type: string

Default: null


The minimum value allowed in column 3. All values less than this will be trimmed to this value. If set to null, it will be calculated as the minimum value in the column.

Type: number

Default: null


The color to use for a rectangle when a node has no value for column 3, and that node is a leaf (or contains only leaves). Specify an HTML color value.

Type: string

Default: #000000


The color to use for a rectangle of "no" color when highlighted. Specify an HTML color value or null; if null, this will be the value of noColor lightened by 35%.

Type: string

Default: null


Whether or not to show a color gradient scale from minColor to maxColor along the top of the chart. Specify true to show the scale.

Type: boolean

Default: false


Whether to show tooltips.

Type: boolean

Default: true


An object that specifies the text style, for certain charts that have text in the content area such as the treemap. The object has this format:

{ color: <string>,   fontName: <string>,   fontSize: <number>,   bold: <boolean>,   italic: <boolean> }                          

The color can be any HTML color string, for example: 'red' or '#00cc00'. Also see fontName and fontSize.

Type: object

Default: {color: 'black', fontName: <global-font-name>, fontSize: <global-font-size>}


Text to display above the chart.

Type: string

Default: no title


An object that specifies the title text style. The object has this format:

{ color: <string>,   fontName: <string>,   fontSize: <number>,   bold: <boolean>,   italic: <boolean> }                          

The color can be any HTML color string, for example: 'red' or '#00cc00'. Also see fontName and fontSize.

Type: object

Default: {color: 'black', fontName: <global-font-name>, fontSize: <global-font-size>}


Whether to use weighted averages for aggregation.

Type: boolean

Default: false


draw(data, options)

Draws the chart.

Return Type: none

getEventsConfig() (for v50+)

Returns the current interaction configuration. This can be used to verify the configuration option eventsConfig

Return Type: Object

{ // An empty array (i.e. []) means the interaction is disabled.   highlight: string[],   unhighlight: string[],   rollup: string[],   drilldown: string[] }

Standard getSelection() implementation. Selected elements are nodes. Only one node can be selected at a time.

Return Type: Array of selection elements


Standard setSelection() implementation. Selected elements are nodes. Only one node can be selected at a time.

Return Type: none


Move up the tree by one level and redraw it. Does not throw an error if the node is the root node. This is fired automatically when the user right-clicks a node.

Return Type: none


Returns the maximum possible depth for the current view.

Return Type: number


Clears the chart, and releases all of its allocated resources.

Return Type: none


Please refer to eventsConfig for configurable event triggers.


Fired when the user mouses over a node. The event handler is passed the row index of the corresponding entry in the data table.

Properties: row

highlight (for v50+)

Fired when the user highlights a node. The default trigger is mouseover. It can be configured with eventsConfig for v50+. The event handler is passed the row index of the corresponding entry in the data table.

Properties: row


Fired when the user mouses out of a node. The event handler is passed the row index of the corresponding entry in the data table.

Properties: row

unhighlight (for v50+)

Fired when the user unhighlights a node. The default trigger is mouseout. It can be configured with eventsConfig for v50+. The event handler is passed the row index of the corresponding entry in the data table.

Properties: row


Fired when chart is ready for external method calls. If you want to interact with the chart, and call methods after you draw it, you should set up a listener for this event before you call the draw method, and call them only after the event was fired.

Properties: None


Fired when the user navigates back up the tree. The default trigger is right-clicking. It can be configured with eventsConfig for v50+. The row property passed into the event handler is the row of the node that the user is navigating from, not the row the user is navigating to.

Properties: row


Fired when the user drills down, or rolls up a node. Also fired when method setSelection() or goUpAndDraw() is called. To learn which node was selected, call getSelection().

Properties: none

drilldown (for v50+)

Fired when the user navigates deeper into the tree. The default trigger is clicking. It can be configured with eventsConfig for v50+. To learn which node was clicked, call getSelection().

Properties: none

Data Policy

All code and data are processed and rendered in the browser. No data is sent to any server.

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Last updated 2021-05-03 UTC.